Carly Ealey
Resides: San Diego | Instagram: carlyealey | Twitter: @carlyealey

Carly Ealey considers her art to be a mix of dirty and clean. ”I often destroy the initial creation before bringing it back to life, adding and subtracting until it feels right. There is a great beauty in the imperfections that make the final product acceptable to me.” With a natural inclination to painting the familiar figures of women in her work, Carly prefers acrylic ink on wood panels when painting small, and spray paint when working on murals.
Amanda Lynn
Resides: San Francisco | Instagram: @alynnpaint

Amandalynn is a muralist and fine artist based in Northern California. Inspired by the feminine in all things, Amandalynn depicts the subtle beauty of the natural world and humankind, through illustrated line work and decorative patterning. Her works can be found in galleries and streets all over the world. She began developing her distinct Street Art style mural work in 2001, painting alongside the graffiti community of San Francisco.